New shoes for school-aged children in the spring.
Backpacks and school supplies each summer.
Turkeys and Thanksgiving groceries in November .
Toys and gifts for kids at Christmas.
We work with local schools to mentor at-risk students.
We need your support:For $30, you can provide a brand new pair of shoes to a student.
For just $15, you can provide a brand new backpack full of paper, pencils, scissors, crayons, notebooks, a glue stick, eraser, ruler and more.
For just $15 you can provide a family with a turkey and groceries for Thanksgiving.
For just $20 you can provide a child with a brand new, wrapped toy at Christmas.
We accept donations and partner with other organizations to acquire supplies and resources. We have also developed gift-matching relationships with several companies. Here are a few of the companies who match employee donations:Boeing
Alaska Airlines
(Please note with your donation envelope if you are an employee or if you would like us to contact your business about matching contributions).